My views of living and surviving in America...... My struggles, My dreams, My opinions on popular subjects, My loves and desires and of course my dislikes. My blog will give an inside view into arguably the most potentially "powerful" mind in America. Just give me time...........

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Why Africans and American Blacks "Really Don't Like Each Other"

I had never met an African until I left highschool and started college in Jackson, MS. I was attending a school called Tougaloo College which is a small private African American college. One of my professor, Dr. Olabode (amazing how I still remember that name) was from Nigeria. I liked him. He was funny and frank and open and warm. Well, I also met a few other africans there in Jackson, MS and they were cool for the most part, although they were highly sexually charged.

Well, I moved to Atlanta, GA and WHOA!!! was I in for a big suprise. It seems like 5 out of 10 folks I met there were from some part of Africa. Many of them were friendly at first, but after getting to know them I found them to be have deep seated stereotypes (Go figure) of American blacks. They could not understand why so many of us did not take advantage of the American education in this country, especially when the Government provided you with loans and grants to go to school. I was always hearing from them how American blacks don't take advantage of the vast opportunities in this country.

Second, many of the Africans I met looked down on american blacks. They were arrogant almost. They treated the women like street hookers and after they "toyed" with American black women, they would go back to their countries to pick their wives "or" marry a white woman. I found African men to be just as whorish, if not more so, than their American black male counterparts. They looked at wives as property and someone to cook and have their children. Their wives had no opinion on anything. They are mindless drones.

Now, Nigerians are all of the above and "worse" but they had sense enough to demand out of their women that they work. They made "sure" that their wives were of the educated sort who could pull in the big money. Nothing wrong with that. While American black males were running around looking at women as only "sex" objects, African men seemed to have higher standards in picking the mother of their children.

American blacks on the other hand look at Africans and feel they have no room to look down on anyone because they have let white European domination of their continent for years. They are brainwashed by all of the Jewish and White controlled media outlets that only depict Africa as dark, dangerous and full of despair. They never show the more prosperous parts of Africa. They do this by design I think.

However, with nations such as Ghana starting projects like "" (Check the website out, its fantastic) where they are welcoming ALL blacks back "home" I think that their will start to be a unity between Africans and American blacks.

I sure hope so. We seem divided enough.

About Me

African American Woman 30 years of age Reside in Memphis, TN Holds a B.S. in Business/Finance Single Homeowner