My views of living and surviving in America...... My struggles, My dreams, My opinions on popular subjects, My loves and desires and of course my dislikes. My blog will give an inside view into arguably the most potentially "powerful" mind in America. Just give me time...........

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why It's Hard to Be A Black Woman Today......

Blacks don't help each other

I can tell you first hand it is very hard to be a black woman in America today. As black women we are constantly degraded by our own kind and held back by our own kind. Ever hear the saying " Blacks Treat each other Like Crabs in a Barrel"? Well, you get my point.

Black people don't help each other like we should, especially in the South. I believe that blacks in the cities and up North are more open to helping each other get ahead. In the South, the handful of successful blacks fight tooth and nail to make sure another black does not get ahead. Why is this? I do not know?


Also, it is very difficult for a black woman today to find marriage partners. Many black men are already married "or" are not worth a woman's time. Trust me. It seems like many young black men are so lazy and do not want to work. They would rather stand on the street corners "slangin" (God, I hate that term but they use it so often) dope and marijuanna. They want to be "cool". How on earth is it cool to be living "off" of your woman at 30 years of age with several offspring who don't even know you (and when grown they won't "care" to know you)? Is it everybody's fault that your momma gave it up too soon to a boy who didn't want to be a father?

If you look at the black female to male ratio its no wonder black women are not getting married. Its alarming especially in cities like Atlanta, GA where there are so many successful, single black women. Many black women have even resorted to what is known in the black community as "man sharing" where two "or more" women openly share a man. I'm like WTF. For real.

And then many black men when they get money run off with white women. The prison population is also majority black and then we have what is known as the "down low" phenomenom where black men have sex with other black men (I know - Yuck right) without anybody knowing. Is it any wonder The AIDS/HIV virus is so prevalent in our communities.


I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration/Finance and it is so hard for me to even find employment that pays me a living wage. White folks try and treat us "blacks" like it is a "priviledge" for us to work but a "right" for them to work. Like Malcolm X stated, they say go to school and get an education, but when you do they say you are "overqualified" for the job you applied for or that your skills do not fit. Even whites with just a high school diploma find work at 4 times the rate as blacks.

I hate the South but it is where I'm from and where my family is at. However, the job market in the South is awful. And why are so many black folks rushing to Atlanta like its the land of milk and honey, those racists there don't want to hire us either. I know, I went to school there and lived there for 8 years.

I hate the South.

About Me

African American Woman 30 years of age Reside in Memphis, TN Holds a B.S. in Business/Finance Single Homeowner